15 Feb 4th BCM 2017 International Conference
Visit page: 4th Bandung Creative Movement International Conference on Creative Industries 2017
Proceedings: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MvEX7OtqbAwynA9NkIPCFk0UYWONgNxh/view?usp=sharing
Paper Title | Author Name | Keywords | Abstract | Download |
Studies on Culture and Creative economics in Belgium (Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia) | Elisabetta Lazzaro | Creative Economy, Europe, Global Trend | In recent decades, new forces, such as China, Russia and Brazil, have emerged in the international contemporary art market as part of the creative economy. At the same time the art market is becoming more visible globally, with the same art galleries and the same artists can be exhibited in different art exhibitions. For example, between 2008 and 2015 creative economic growth in Brussels has increased rapidly, from 37% in 2007 to 75% by 2015. In this paper we propose answering questions such as: How is the opportunity given by a creative entity to a particular creative person from a particular country represented in another country like Belgium at the international level? Can we observe the trends of art and the creative economy in the last decade? What is the underlying? Implications? By applying a cluster analysis, we map the creative economy market and look for trends according to the level of diversity in terms of art and artists or designers represented by exhibitions at international and national levels in Europe. To develop this analysis, we have established partnerships with Artfacts.net to get unique data about exhibitions in Europe. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1701.pdf |
A Study on Applicability of Sound Art as Therapy for Alzheimer’s Patients | Kamal Sabran | Therapy, Sound Art, Alzheimer’s disease, New Media Arts, Interdisciplinary, Health | As Alzheimer’s disease increases around the world with still no absolute medication to solve the problem, art has become the alternative treatment. Nevertheless, with sound art exploring public spaces to exhibit, and seen as not too distant from conventional art approach such as music therapy, the use of sound art is still not fully utilized to support a healthy environment in Alzheimer’s care centres. This study aims to explore the applicability of sound art, a new medium of therapy for Alzheimer’s patients. This project has investigated the issues, nature, and reasons that arise through literature reviews, pilot studies, observations and conducted interviews. In particular, it has focused on identifying the potential of sound characteristics, components and elements of sound art making. Views and opinions obtained from this method were used as data to form a prototype. This model has been tested on Alzheimer’s patients as respondents in order to observe their perceptions, usability and affectivity. Finally, the data that gathered was analysed. Results from this research benefits the field of sound art in terms of new knowledge. The outcome of the project includes the identification of therapeutic elements for sound art making and the empirical evaluation of its applicability use for Alzheimer’s patients. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1702.pdf |
Recontextualization Audio Visual in Fil Warkop DKI 70s Chips Into Warkop DKI Reborn 2016 | Kurniawan Akhmad Muzaki | recontextulization, audio-visual, comparison | This research discusses audio video recontextualization of 1970s Warkop DKI movies into 2016’s Warkop DKI Reborn. Both movies have contextual similarity in which the latter repeat the context of the former. The purpose of the research is to find out the characteristics and contextualization in terms of audio and visuall, by using qualitative research method with descriptive analysis that draws comparison of audio and visual data of both movies. The theories employed in the research include: recontextualization, theory of comedy in movies, and theory of audio. As the result, there is an effort to recontextualize 1970s Warkop DKI movies into Warkop DKI Reborn to adjust with the 2016 era. Therefore, the result of the research shows the attempts of maintaining the audio-visual characteristics of both movies, more specifically by representation of 1970s audio video tenets to the reproduction of the same movie in 2016. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1703.pdf |
The Java Furniture as A Local Cultural Response and Preservation In Surakarta | Mr. Kusmadi | Relief, sitting tools, shape, and function | This study aims to preserve ethics and Javanese manners through understanding the Javanese society sitting culture on the temple relief. A specific target in this discussion is the discovery of information about the form of Javanese furniture in the development of the best furniture design in Surakarta. The method used is explorative, to identify the form of furniture based on the information from the temples in Java. The sources obtained from the temple artifact, literature, document or archive and informant then analyzed with interactive model. The results of the analysis show that: (1) The form visually visible in the form of: pads, four-legged bench or amben, six-legged bench or amben, eight-legged amben, chairs, and thrones or singgasana. (2) Seat size is seen based on lines forming large or high plane, the form is visualized with consideration of the using for group or individual seats, social status, and materials. (3) Furniture material looks based on the thickness of the size and the technique work indicates the existence of wood and stone materials. (4) Techniques used for the completion of the sitting tools and forming the profile seen as the technique of carving and lathe (bubut). The sitting facilities are having functional: physical, personal, and social. Physical function, a sitting tool is visualized in an appropriate form of activity. The personal function, the sitting tool is visualized with the consideration of function based on differences in social status seen in the different shape and size. The social function of the sitting tool is visualized in various shapes, sizes, ornaments, and the ngrawit profile, the form is fully visualized proportional consideration between the shape of the ornament, the size, and the tehnique as the evidence of intelligence existence in the high artistic taste also the evidence of the civilization existence. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1704.pdf |
The Existence of Batik Esuk-Sore Pekalongan Style | Muhammad Arif Jati Purnomo | batik, Esuk-Sore style, Pekalongan. | The purpose of this research is to examine the existence of Esuk-Sore batik style in Pekalongan. This research uses qualitative research methodology, with descriptive research form, supported by phenomenology theory of hermeneutics, sociology, and aesthetics. Research location covers Pekalongan City, and ex Residency of Pekalongan. The data sources include informants consisting of culturalists, historians, collectors, designers, batik entrepreneurs as well as data in the form of batik cloth artifacts, hard copies / soft copies of documents, sosifact and mentifact. The results of this study indicate the existence or existence of batik style Esuk-Sore in Pekalongan still maintained artifact, especially on sinjang. In the Esuk-Sore style is no longer used in marriage ceremony or welcome the Chinese new year, but essentially the concept of Esuk-Sore (concept of mix-match to produce harmony) is widely used for fashion trends that develop today. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1705.pdf |
Exploring Design Needs of Wifi-Marketing as Promotional Strategy for Mall Industry | Nalal Muna | wifi, marketing, promotions, mall, design, ethnography | Jakarta is one of mall paradise in Indonesia. The emergent of middle class economy has shifted consumer behavior in visiting Mall. Nowadays, people visit mall for various reasons such as hangout with friends, meeting with client, window shopping and many more. Moreover, Wifi Marketing is new trend in marketing innovation. It is one of competitive advantage in attracting more visitors. However, More visitors don’t guarantee the increase sales of tenants in Mall. Promotions are needed to help tenants in reaching out mall visitors through wifi-marketing. The purpose of this research is to explore the design needs of Wifi-marketing as cutting edge technology to maximize promotional strategy for Mall business. This is qualitative research in which data is collected through observation and in-depth interview with 8 informants (3 tenants and 5 visitors of shopping mall). The findings showed positive technological readiness towards wifi-marketing which can be interpreted from their optimism, innovativeness, discomfort and insecurity. Optimism and innovativeness become the drivers of wifi-marketing since it showed users’ likelihood to adopt wifi for promotional purpose. However, discomfort and insecurity become the constraints for wifi-marketing in terms of privacy issue. Using design ethnography, the design of wifi-marketing welcome page should meet with visitors’s needs such as information about mall directory, promotions and special offerings, new tenants information, restaurant recommendation, and customer service support. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1706.pdf |
Umbrella-Canopy as an Icon of Braga Permai Restaurant in Bandung | Setiamurti Rahardjo | braga permai restaurant, umbrella-canopy, icon, architecture elements | Braga Permai restaurant is well known as one of heritage buildings in Bandung. Through times, the building has been going through renovations which have changed the general form and facade, preserving the umbrella-canopies at the outdoor seating area as an icon. The intention of keeping this iconic exterior element comes from the restaurant management as the umbrella-canopies have been popular as the building landmark since its renovation in 1923. In addition, the restaurant has also started to use the image of the umbrella-canopy on the menu books and website. Nevertheless, do people today still perceive the image of those canopies as iconic as they were in the previous time? Through quantitative approach accompanied by questionnaires, this paper aims to find what people perceive as an icon of Braga Permai today and how representative the umbrella-canopy is as an icon. As the result, it is found that umbrella-canopy is perceived as an icon not merely by architectural design, but also by a supporting contribution of visual graphic | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1707.pdf |
Shape Exploration Analysis on Sungkai Wood Fossil | Susmitha Fauziah | Sungkai wood fossil, Exploration, Waste. | Sungkai wood fossil is one of the fossils found in Merangin district, Jambi. The availability of abundant sungkai wood fossil makes it an industry that specializes in sungkai wood fossil. In the industry processed sungkai wood fossil and made it into a furniture, made of large chunks with every outer shell and some parts are thrown away and not utilized. The remains of this untapped piece or waste becomes a great potential for reprocessing into a useful product. In its completion, the experimental method is done by implementing the exploration on the sungkai wood fossil, The exploration method that is used is the exploration of the shape, Where the exploration parameters of the shape used are expression, size and visual. Based on the results of the exploration of the shape with these parameters produced a shape that can utilize the remaining pieces of sungkai wood fossil maximally. Aiming to find the remaining potential pieces of sungkai wood fossils can be utilized with simple processing. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1708.pdf |
Response Santri Putri Assalam Solo for TV Commercial Fashion Products | Ahmad Adib | response, santri putri Assalam, TV commercial fashion products | Assalam is one of Islamic Boarding School at Solo, Indonesia. Santri Putri Assalam as student of the school, like youth like female as other youth in their age, have interest on fashion product. Different with youth that learned in normal school, santri putri Assalam have the rules about all of their life in Islam ways, included fashion . As an agent of dakwah, they must learning how to choice fashion as like their rules, but as a youth they want to use stylish products, the trending fashions nowadays. They have example for the fashion from TV commercial. This article describe about response the student for TV commercial fashion products by AIDA method. The result from analyze are: 1) creativity from TV commercial fashion products successful to delivering Santri Putri Assalam by persuasive words contents and the stunning idea, 2) impact of TV commercial fashion products for Santri Putri Assalam not different with youth in general education. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1709.pdf |
Analysis of Mystery Shoppers Program as a Benchmark of Service Culture at Shopping Center “X” | Azizi Algi | Mystery Shopping; Shoping Center ; Service Culture | Mystery Shopping program becomes options for Shopping center to do appraisal directly to tenant, employee and stake holders inside and outside organization. This program can be used as base in applying marketing strategy to be applied, also as indicator of application of service culture RATER is run by Shopping center “X”. This research uses descriptive analysis method with library research which found that to be considered in this program is objectivity assessment by Mystery Shopper which can be overcome by hiring third party or consultant to do Mystery Shopping. The assessment sheet also becomes one of the determinants of the effectiveness of the program. This program is basically a shopping center management business to maintain the quality of service in the competition with similar industry. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1710.pdf |
Designing Of Aerobic Gymnastics Campaign To Reduce The Risk Of Dementia In The Early Adulthood | Diana Fajar Rahmawati | Dementia, Aerobics, Campaign. | The prevalence of dementia sufferers is directly proportional to life expectancy. The higher life expectancy, then the likelihood of dementia are also high. In the city of Bandung, life expectancy exceeds the National life expectancy, so that estimated an increased amount of dementia can occur a few years to come. If in general dementia occurs at around the age of 60 years, yet a study mentions that the early adulthood can also be exposed to disease or dementia, called with the phenomenon of ‘Pikun Usia Dini’ indicated as early symptoms of dementia or early onset dementia (Young Onset De-mentia). The lifestyle is one of the risk factors of the occurrence of dementia at an early age. Aerobic gymnastics regularly can reduce the risk of the development of the onset of dementia. Aerobic gymnastics can stimulate the cells of neurons in the brain become active. At the beginning of adulthood with normal body fitness level, can do mix impact aerobics. Method study of the literature, observation, interview, questionnaire and analysis matrix, and communication strategy The Facets Model of Effects used to convey information about the solutions reduce the risk of dementia through aerobic gymnastics and the determination of the medium used. The form of media event, ambient, posters, videos and other supporting media. The benefits of this campaign was to inform the dangers of dementia and aerobic gymnastics as a prevention efforts through a series of campaign strategies. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1711.pdf |
Board Games As A New Media To Local Geniuses Narratives Case Study: BoardGame Project Based On Astrological System Of Kolenjer | Dimas Krisna Aditya | Kolenjer, Board Game, Ethno-identity, Local Genius, Sundanese Baduy people | Many critics and questions frequently asks in comics (or any popular cultures’) events about where does Indonesian legends, myths and other local geniuses go in this modern era’s generations. There also a strong tendency from some critics, who blamed foreign popular cultures characters popularity for young generations’ unawareness about our local narrations. The actual cause is because the new generations feels uninterested with how these local narratives told in old fashioned ways. Meanwhile, the old generations thinks that the right way to reintroduce the narratives is follow the old paths which, they also didn’t notice why it should be done in that way. For years, our Visual Communication Program in School of Creative Industry of Telkom University develops an ethno-identity studies method to reintroduce our local narrations in a new media, such as board game. Board game itself is more traditional than electronics devices based games, which still popular without leaving the social aspects such as gathering peoples and build in group feelings among the players. With using qualitative research methods like literacy studies, interviews and also being active participants as board game players and tutor, this research aims to develop a formulation to reinterpret ancient or traditional local narrations into a more modern form such as board game. For the pilot projects the researchers try to reintroduce ‘Kolenjer’, a traditional Sundanese Baduy astrological artifact by adapting it into enjoyable board game without violating the basic values from the artifact itself. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1712.pdf |
Analysis of Recycling Plastic Waste Activities as AQUA’s Corporate Social Responsibility Program | Dini Nur Amalina | Corporate Social Responsibility, Organizational Communication, Environment, Recycle | In this technological development era, companies need to pay more attention to the environment and the surrounding community in order to avoid the various demands put forward by the public due to the impact of company’s production in running its business. The classical economic doctrine, “maximization profit”, which the main goal of the company is to lower costs as low as possible and increase efficiency as high as possible in order to maximize profits, then shifted into a new paradigm, namely how companies need to create a “positive image” to its stakeholders. One way that companies do to form a positive image is the procurement of Corporate Social Responsibility program. Qualitative descriptive analysis method is used in this research to clearly describe the problems that exist in the object of research which will eventually be seen related to the related theories. The result showed that the Corporate Social Responsibility program in the form of recycling plastic waste activities conducted by AQUA Group is in line with the concept of CSR definition, which is to minimize negative impact and maximize the positive impact of its operation to all stakeholders in economic, social and environmental aspect in order to achieve the goal Sustainable development. In addition, recycling plastic waste activities conducted by AQUA Group also contains three bottom lines of the concept of corporate social responsibility, namely Profit, People, and Planet. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1713.pdf |
Keris Symbols in The Emblem and Brand Logo | Mr. Handriyotopo | Keris, emblem, logo, brand, and corporate identity | The Keris as a result of Indonesian culture that existed in the archipelago was born since this ancestor experienced a cultural change from agrarian culture to metallurgical culture that synergize with human behavior. As a worthy artifact, keris has a personal philosophy value for the wearer, where the keris contains elements of prestige result of the wrought process is quite complicated. If modern civilization the keris disappears from the nation’s cultural behavior is due to the process of cultural hegemony outside and erodes the value of the local culture. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to analyze the function of keris icon in the symbol or brand in hermeunitic and interpret it in semiotic. So that the current keris interpreted as a symbolic visual element, then the form of a keris that curves and kris straight into the aesthetic elements of the logo or symbol in it. From several symbols or logos showing positive values have a strong philosophy of spirit and unity in the symbols of provinces and districts in Indonesia. Similarly there is the national army corps like corps Marines, symbols in the world of sports such as martial arts and exist in the college logo. But there are other things as a symbol element that is worth the economic identity, as in the brand Batik Keris, and also on other brands in the realm of postmodernism contains elements of capital. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1714.pdf |
Eco-Packaging Campaign through Motion Graphic | Haekal Muhammad | campaign, eco-packaging, video | Nowadays, the use of food packaging is inseparable from food products. Today many food and beverage sellers still use hazardous food packaging (e.g. styrofoam) to reduce production cost but they do not aware of its negative effects. Local government especially Bandung has banned the use of styrofoam materials and urge to replace food packaging with materials that are environmentally friendly and safe for human health. The problem identified is the lack of understanding of both sellers and consumers about the packaging that has a bad impact on the environment and health. It needs a specific information media confirms about the hazardous packaging. This study begins with a literature study on eco-packaging followed by observations to household food sellers. Interviews and questionnaires were conducted to support the study. As a result, the information conveyed using the elements of motion and information is easier to understand. This is supported by the finding that many people spend their spare time watching movies or videos. 40% of respondents stated that billboards or videotrons are the right medium to convey messages to the society. The aim of this study is to provide information on eco-packaging through video campaign. By this study, it is expected to educate the society as food packaging buyers and consumers. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1715.pdf |
Integrity of Photography in Visual Communication | Husaini Yaacob | Photography, Integrity Photography, Visual Communication, Integrity Images | Integrity is truthful and unaffected quality. Truthful images in visual communication are aligned with an ethical photography code of ethics. Since the long time ago even during World War II, images had been the tools for propaganda to affect the mind of the public and cause behavioral change among the human society. Various studies have been emphasizing the impact of integrity photography as a visual communication tool. Truthful photography is used as evidence of cases or even to preserve histories of situations and environment for the future generations to see and learn from it. Nevertheless, in this era, the integrity of photography is questionable. Many images in pictures have been altered or staged to be manipulated for some other agendas and did not appear as what it used to be original. In each photograph, the integrity of it relies on the photographer himself, of how much accountability, he holds to bring out the true issue of what had really happened in the actual scenario. Some photographer purposely manipulates their pictures for the purpose of commercial value. In the past, and more recently, various images have been edited to meet the requirements of situations that succumbs to portray the truth of what had actually been photographed. However, some manipulated photographs could be of high value and being sought of; as such the illustrated photography and mixed media photography. For those conventional photographers, many have asked, “where does the integrity lie”? But for those artistic photographers, some would say “why not, it’s digital’. This paper discusses the importance of integrity photography amidst the manipulated photography as a visual communication tool for the human society | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1716.pdf |
Organizational Behaviour in Higher Education Institution: What is the Dominant Factor in Telkom University? | Ida Nurnida | Organizational behaviour, higher education institution, factor analysis | Currently the number of Human Development Index (HDI) Indonesia is still very low, ranks 108th out of 187 countries. One of the important steps is of course the increase of Indonesian HDI through education, especially higher edu-cation. The World Bank argues that higher education in Indonesia has not been able to deliver the expected results because of institutional university-college still “connected” with other institutional at the core of the system, mainly occur between universities and industry, institutional research, and intercollegiate itself in Research (research). Of the 100 universities, Scopus noted only about 50 productive colleges. There are eight main dimensions of higher education that will be closely related to the institution of related universities, both in the design of formal and informal interaction, including organiza-tional behaviour (organizational behaviour) as one of the important aspects of an institution. Judging from the level of ex-planation or explanation level, this type of research belongs to descriptive research using quantitative method or approach. The population in this study are all permanent employees of Telkom University. In this research, sampling technique used is Probability Sampling by using Proportionate stratified random sampling. Researchers use sampling designs in probability ways because the sample representation (appropriate sample for investigative research) is important in the context of wider generalizations. Sampling is done after the population is stratified, then the sample members of each strata are drawn using a simple random sampling procedure or systematic sampling. This research uses factor analysis. As a result of this research, only 1 new component is formed in this research which shows that 11 factors used in this research are done entirely on 1 new component that is decision making factor. Which represents the organizational design, leadership, teamwork, ethics and corporate governance, entrepreneurship, job satisfaction, motivation, compensation, selection methods, and communi-cation that describe the important things that Telkom University has in organizing life. Based on the resulting loading fac-tor, decision making factor is the most dominant factor that becomes the power of Telkom University to run its institutional activity as a university. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1717.pdf |
Communication and Crisis Management in Emergency: A Case Study of Engine’s Breakdown | Alfi Dinda Sasantie | Communication, Crisis Management, Leadership | The purpose of this study is two-fold: (1) to examine communication of leadership during emergency and (2) to investigate engagement between communication and crisis management to restore organization’s objectives. This qualita-tive study conducted with case study method. The data were collected interview to informant and moderate observation. The study found that one of leader at PT. Bayu Maritim Berkah (BMB) using transactional leadership model and task-oriented style. He also use his power as autocratic. Meanwhile, the communication pattern in BMB during emergency is All-Channel Pattern. The finding of the study shows that BMB used its model and style due to time-efficiency. It also shows that BMB only perform to respond emergency during the situation and lack of prevention and evaluation. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1718.pdf |
Ergonomics Review : Identify Discomfort Seating Posture Among Elderly Taxi Drivers at Malaysia Perspective. | Ahmad Zuhairi Abdul Majid | elderly, taxi driver, seating posture, ergonomics, discomfort | World Health Organization (WHO) describes people aged above 60 years old fall under a category of elderly. The alternative profession could involve with this community is to be taxi drivers. Therefore, numerous factors should take part to ensure the elderly taxi drivers could serve their best performance and in good health condition. This study aimed to determined discomfort seating posture among elderly taxi drivers through ergonomic approach in Malaysian perspective. A cross-sectional study was conducted with elderly taxi drivers using a self-administered questionnaire. It included questions on socio-demographic data, work characteristics and discomfort older taxi drivers seating posture relative to body parts. Purposive method sampling used base on inclusive criteria; age 60 years old and above, self -driving taxi more than 1 year, no disabilities and registered with Land Public Transport Commission (LPTC). Total of 120 respondents participated in the study. Most of elderly taxi drivers used hired car type of taxi and work as a permanent job. The highest feeling discomfort on seating body posture among elderly taxi drivers are at the right hips and left buttock. At the left hips and lower back showed the highest discomfort on seating posture compare to other body parts. Inappropriate seating posture among elderly taxi drivers may cause to discomfort and developing to MSD’s. The low awareness on ergonomics education could reflect quality lifestyle and health among elderly taxi drivers in Malaysia. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1719.pdf |
A Method of Investigating the Ageing Perception and Satisfaction towards Product Appearances | Ahmad Zuhairi Abdul Majid | Ageing, consumers, product appearance, satisfaction, product design and development | The purpose of this paper is to proposing a method investigating on product appearance perceived by the ageing consumers. It also examines the relationship between ageing perception towards product appearance in order to better understand how they will respond to products as they grow older. A general literature review was conducted in an effort to identify the significant, substantive work to date. The data obtained in this study were collected from a questionnaire survey involving 45 to 65 year old academician from local universities. Descriptive analysis was performed to analyze the respondents’ perception and satisfaction towards product appearances. Finally, suggestions are made as a way forward to identify the product appearance attributes and where can be considered by designers, marketers or researchers in designing a product for ageing population. With the availability of this method and by understanding the needs of aging the researchers or designers, thereby can produce a quality and better product design requirements that meet and will fulfil the consumer needs. There is a need to study the ageing and the relationship to product development, specifically in the appearance of the product. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1720.pdf |
Designing Promotion of Festival Pekan Batik Pekalongan | Adelia Nanda Puti | Batik Festival, Pekalongan, Promotion, Branding, Tourism | To support the branding program of Pekalongan city, Government holds an annual event named Festival Pekan Batik Pekalongan (FPBP), with a series of events namely Pekalongan Batik Carnaval, Batik Exhibition, Gala Dinner and Fashion Show, and etc. However, visitors who come are mostly pekalongan only, while very little from outside pekalongan, and the average age is the late adult and children, whereas from teenagers and early adulthood is still very little. From the data obtained, one reason is because the early adult – adolescents still think that batik is formal and ancient clothing, besides Festival Batik Pekalongan is still considered a monotonous event. Therefore, based on the phenomenon and problems existed it is needed a creative strategy and visual media to promote the event. The methods used in this design are qualitative, through observations, interviews, literature studies, and visual evidence observation. The main theories used are promotion, advertising, and DKV (Visual Communication Design). The result of this design is a creative strategy by AISAS method to produce an event and visual media that can attract the target audience to Festival Pekan Batik Pekalongan. The benefits of this design is to change the mindset of the target audience to batik and event, that batik is following the times, and the event is able to display the concept of thematic concepts | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1721.pdf |
Aesthetic Values of Classical Batik as the Source of Contemporary Painting Ideas | Adam Wahida | aesthetic, painting, classical batik | As one of the Javanese culture centers, Surakarta is known to have batik tradition that has reached the top of the classical ones. The Surakarta classical batiks have taught the values of ideals, life expectancies, existences, establish-ments, behaviors, glories, and noble guidance as contained in the symbols of classical batik patterns: sidoasih, sidomukti, sidodrajat, which are still used by the people in various traditional ceremonies or important events. The philosophical val-ues within Surakarta classical batiks can be extracted and used as a source of inspiration to create contemporary artworks. Materials that are related to the forms, meanings, norms and values of traditional aesthetics can be developed, explored, and linked to the present life. This research aims to create contemporary artworks with local characters. The creation methods of these works include: exploration, incubation, illumination, and verification/ production. The method is elaborated in several steps: analyzing the documents, determining the ideas and themes of painting, sketching/ creating the designs of the painting, selecting the media and techniques, and producing the painting. This research has produced 3 pieces of contemporary paintings through the development of ideas, themes, and visual forms of classical batik of Surakarta. Visually the paintings are made with a photographic painting technique that considers the aspects of visual illusion such as: perspective, light and shadow, and also chiaroscuro. Philosophically, those works represent aesthetic values of classical batik and contain symbolic meanings that are relevant to the life condition today. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1722.pdf |
Intercity Express Bus Safety Design Issues In Peninsular Malaysia | Zuhairi A. Majid | Safety design, express bus, service innovation, product design | The purpose of this paper is to provide a study on passengers’ safety for intercity express bus and road crashes data trends starting from 2003 until 2017. The study focused on the rate of injuries and deaths of intercity express buses passengers. Therefore, this study should be able to reduce the trend rate of injuries and deaths, to improve the safety of passengers and to propose appropriate safety design for intercity express bus passengers in Peninsular Malaysia. The latest accident data and survey on the safety design of the respondent derived from the intercity express bus passengers. This study has found the main cause of the accident bus driver’s negligence among others, technical problems of vehicles, road structure and lack of enforcement authorities to the bus operators. Passenger safety design (passenger safety awareness, enforcement and seatbelt awareness) were taken lightly. Therefore, a design for passengers’ safety should be prioritized and implemented to reduce the trend rate of deaths and injuries of intercity buses in Malaysia. This research can help to address the issue of death and injury rate trends intercity express buses by declaring accidents as a major problem. Therefore, passenger safety awareness program proposes to improve safety design (seatbelt) as well as enforcement on every intercity bus in Malaysia. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1723.pdf |
Hermeneutics Studies On Representation Of Merry Riana On Her Biography Cover Design | Ms. Asthararianty | book, cover design, motivator, woman | The development of book, both on cover or content, has been changed depending on the trend of design at that time. Nowadays, among many various books, biography is a kind of book that attracts readers. Biographies are becoming more frequently published, both written by writer and the figures themselves. Most of the covers of the biography always show the figure in the form of photos or similar pictures of oneself in one distinctiveness of each character. Merry Riana was the figure of female motivator whose biography had been published. These two biographies also described the life journey of Merry Riana in achieving success in her life. This study wanted to see how the figure of Merry Riana as a female motivator was represented in the cover design of her biography, which is the subject of the study is the cover design of the books entitled Mimpi Sejuta Dolar and Langkah Sejuta Suluh. This study used qualitative method with the approach of Gadamer’s hermeneutics. The results of this study were to show that a female motivator, Merry Riana, who was illustrated in the cover design of the book, was a woman who was brave and determined to reach the peak of success. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1724.pdf |
The Influence Of Interpersonal Communication And Organizational Culture To Organizational Commitment To Non-Profit Organization Cioff Indonesia | De Rembulan Ayundhasurya | Interpersonal Communication; Organizational Behavior, Organizational Commitment, NonProfit Organization | CIOFF Indonesia is a non-profit organization of art and culture. This study aims to analyze the influence of interpersonal communication and organizational behavior on organizational commitment in non-profit organization of CIOFF Indonesia. This study used content analysis methods of qualitative research. The literature review in this study is in the same area and using the same variable, which are interpersonal communication, organizational culture, and organizational commitment. The result of this study indicates that interpersonal communication and organizational culture have an impact on organizational commitment in non-profit organization CIOFF Indonesia. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1725.pdf |
The Contribution Of Sculptor Artist (Edhi Sunarso) To The Development Of Indonesia | Donny Trihanondo | role of artist, Edhi Sunarso, statue, Monumental, Bung Karno | Edhi Sunarso is one of the well-known sculptors in Indonesia. There are a lot of monumental works had been created by Edhi Sunarso in strategic places in Indonesia. Edhi Sunarso had produced works that would become a symbol of a historic memorial in Indonesia. There are works such as the West Irian Liberation Monument in Jakarta, Sacred Pancasila Monument (Pancasila Sakti) Lubang Buaya, Selamat Datang Monument, Dirgantara Monument (also known as Gatot Kaca Monument) in Jakarta, Tugu Muda Monument in Semarang, General Achmad Yani Monument in Bandung, General Gatot Subroto Monument in Surakarta, Yos Sudarso Monument in Surabaya, and others. The concepts of creation in the works of Edhi Sunarso were influenced by the thought of the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Bung Karno. One of them was a statue of West Irian Liberation, which described the struggles of West Irian (Papua) to be free from Dutch colonial rule. This study examines the works of Edhi Sunarso with the method of art criticism and the scientific approach of Sociology of Art. With these two scientific approachs, this research is expected to give new insight to the public about the role of Edhi Sunarso as an artist in the development of the Indonesian nation in particular and for the international world in general. Besides that, this research could also enrich the culture and thought for the development of art in Indonesia. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1726.pdf |
Analysis Of Technopreneurship Applications In Alternative Energy Company: Study On Cv. Wahana Putera Ideas, Bandung | Ida Nurnida | technopreneurship, business skill, technology skill, alternative, energy | At this time, some people are still reluctant and afraid to use LPG gas stove, because in addition to the many cases of explosions, this type of stove is also rare in the market. These conditions require people to find other alternatives to meet their needs. On the other hand, in the business world, the concept of technopreneurship becomes one of the solutions that can bridge the economic interests through technology, especially in the field of alternative energy. One company that has been using this technopreneurship concept is CV Wahana Putera Ideas as an energy manufacturing company. This research was conducted with the aim to know the application of technopreneurship concept which cover aspects of business skill and technology skill at CV Wahana Putera Ideas. The type of this research is descriptive with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and related document collection, while processing and data analysis using data reduction techniques, data presentation, conclusion, and clarification. The informant as the data source was chosen purposively. The results of this study indicate that CV Wahana Putera Ideas has applied the sub-concept of Business Skill and Technology Skill in technopreneurship model as technopreneur. In the Business Skill sub-concept, Wahana Putera Ideas is a business entity with the form of a Comanditaire Venotschap or CV that has been implementing the concept of a manufacturing company and has made business plan as a corporation planning; The Company utilizes natural resources as production materials and production processes under the guidance of BSN; and the company selectively provides selective incentives to resellers by applying 1 channel to many markets. In the sub-concept of Technology Skill, CV Wahana Putera Ideas is the owner of the invention and product innovation that is ethanol+, and protects it with Patent Right with the application number P0020090345 named Invention of Electric-Based Gas Convertible Stove with Liquid Fuel (Non-Fossil) announced at Patent Office on December 30, 2010 with the publication number 050.6701 A. The conclusion of this research is that CV Wahana Putera Ideas has applied the concept of Technopreneurship in managing the company which is engaged in alternative energy business. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1727.pdf |
Kandinsky Inspired Digital Print Motive with Pattern-Making, Cutting Exploration of Edgy Looks for Ready to Wear Deluxe | Janet Rine Teowarang | Art Inspired Print, Digital Printing, Creative Industry Collaboration, Edgy, Semi Avant–Garde, Pattern-Making Exploration | The collaboration in between industry creative people will deliver strength in concept of design and creation for the result, as fashion industry is the largest and rising industry in Indonesia. Digital printing on textile is becoming trend development from few years ago, following emerging of international brand like Mary Katrantzou, Peter Pilotto and Jonathan Saunders were all started the digital bold prints with futuristic and cutting-edge theme in the year of 2010. As according to fashion trend report, Art-inspired prints have been dominating fashion runway with the appearance of neon colors and shall stay all the way in the year of 2017. The research theme of artistic digital print has brought the creative director’s aim for exploration project of fashion collaboration between a fashion brand and graphic designer for creating art-inspired print by using digital printing with combination of pattern making exploration, the paintings of Wassily Kandinsky during his period at Bauhaus in 1922 until 1933, Kandinsky’s Composition VIII and Transverse Lines during year 1923 had inspired the creative director to achieve variation of prints from combination, where finally this collaborative project has delivered into fashion showcase at fashion week in year of 2016 by using edgy and semi Avant–garde pattern making and cutting exploration into collection of Ready to Wear Deluxe consist of six looks varied from two – pieces top and bottom to long dress. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1728.pdf |
Exploration of Design Development Borobudur Chair with The Aèng Method (strange) | Rahmanu Widayat | exploration, Borobudur Chair, the Aèng method | The Borobudur chair originated from the reconstruction of seat image (two-dimensional) in the Borobudur Temple relief in Central Java Province Indonesia. This reconstruction process produces a replica of Borobudur Chair and has redesigned the chair with wangun or indah concept (Javanese beauty concept). In the Javanese context culture, the anti-thesis of wangun concept is aèng or strange, both come together in the creation of Javanese beauty concept. There are some problems when the Borobudur Seat is explored and developed by various possibilities of design with the aèng method. The aèng method in the Western world is similar to the method of distorted changes (refraction) and destruction and others. As a result, there is a chair that enters into group of artworks. The Borobudur chair as an artwork cannot be judged from the calculation of material prices, a cost of artisans, final settlement, and profit gained. Artwork is appreciated for its beauty that is highly valued by the public, critics, and art collectors. Certainly, the Borobudur Chair design development with the aèng method is still processed. The stages which have to be taken is an exhibition to measure how this work accepted by the society. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1729.pdf |
Developing of Indonesian Animation Based on Local Culture | Ranang Agung Sugihartono | Indonesian animation, local, and culture | In developing the Indonesian animation, it has a lot of opportunities in using the potential of local culture. The animation creation that referring on the characteristics of traditional arts is the best choice. This study uses a practice-based research. Research procedures conducted in two phases, namely analysis and development/implementation. Analysis involves identifying and studying the research object such as puppet motion, wayang beber, batik, relief of temple as a reference and the creation of animated films. The results of this research showed that a) Indonesian folklore as inspiration for animation stories can be explored with new narratives style such as remaking the stories, so it can be relevant with taste and development of the times. b) Elements of traditional arts can be applied in character and environment visualization, and provide imaginative effects, and c) Movement shadow puppets can be used as a reference animated motion. The development of stories, character designs, and animated movements that refer to the ancestral art tradition is an attempt to discover the uniqueness of Indonesian animation that has a clear base. So that, Indonesian animation can be an identity for the Indonesian people to be different from other nations. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1730.pdf |
Processing “Limbukyu” as Supporting Material in the Java Furniture Producing | Joko Budiwiyanto | Waste wood powder, re-use, furniture, and Java styles | The waste of wood powder produced from timber industry has not been utilized optimally, its use is limited for firewood alone. Through the process by formulating with other materials can produce new materials that can be used as a supporting material of furniture industry. This study aims to make a formulation of the utilization of waste wood powder (limbukyu, Javanese) teak as a supporting material of furniture manufacture. This purpose is taken considering the utilization of wood raw materials in Indonesia increasingly scarce. The government also appealed and directed to be more efficient in the utilization of wood materials. Innovation through re-use by reusing useless materials becomes more useful and environmentally friendly is an option. The selection of materials with the concept of re-use will be more advantages, in addition to unique, and efficiency, waste wood powder can be used as a substitute for the main raw materials of teak wood. To achieve the goal required the research methods by using experiments. Data sources are in the form of artifacts, literatures, and informants. The analytical technique uses inter case analysis. The results showed that the use of wood powder waste as an interior supporting material, especially furniture source on the culture of archipelago, such as the backrest, the top of the table, feature wall, wall lamp, ornament, standing lamp can be produced by adjusting the material characteristics. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1731.pdf |
Study of Language Form in Silent Manga | Sayid Mataram | silent manga, internal composition, external composition, visual language, comic | Manga is a variety of comics that emerged from Japan that has a lot of fans in every part of the world. Silent manga appears as variations that appear with the construction of different elements with conventional comics. Symptom analysis in the construction of visual languages of comic elements was used as a way to reveal the difference. The theory of inner and outer layout of the Prima Tabrani Fine Language theory is an appropriate approach that could be used to see different element in the silent manga. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1732.pdf |
Innovation of Hand-Drawn Batik in Context of Tourism | Sujadi R Hidayat | innovation, Batik, tourism | A Batik center which initially only serves as the center of the batik industry, now, it also serves a role and turns into a tourist destination. Changes in the world of batik has led to different demands on how batik products are produced. This article discusses the innovative design strategies of batik products in the context of tourism. The research was conducted based on data analysis obtained through field research in 2016 until 2017 mainly from batik centers that have developed the concept of tourism. Strategy in batik product innovation in the context of tourism is to create various types of products which must be unique and exclusive, according to the needs of tourists. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1733.pdf |
Interior of Pracimayasa as the Cultural Inheritance of Solo City in Creative Industry | Ms. Sunarmi | rationality, creative industry, interior characteristics of Pracimayasa, harmony | Interior of Pracimayasa as the cultural inheritance of Solo city in creative industry is a cultural studies research. The problem of research was how the preservation of Pracimayasa’s interior as the cultural pledge building in creative industry. The interior of Pracimayasa as the noble family’s residence always represents Javanese ethic and etiquette in vis-à-vis to modern life. This research employed critical deconstruction theory supported with visual communication semiotic theory with hermeneutic approach. The study was expected to give the opportunity of developing creativity in interpreting text, the interior of cultural pledge building. Data collection was carried out using observation, interview, document study, and library study. Data validation was conducted using data triangulation. The result of research showed that (1) rationality in modernism resulted in new awareness that interior of Pracimayasa as the cultural heritage became tourist package in dinner or lunch tour in global era interpreted as the recognition through deconstruction process, thereby generating new interpretation and understanding on the interior of Pracimayasa, (2) the characteristics of Pracimayasa’s interior should be the source of interior designing idea in global era in realizing the concept of interior esthetic balanced and harmonious with its cosmos to achieve the harmonization of civilization in global era. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1734.pdf |
The Existence of Crowdsourcing Graphic Designers in Indonesia | Taufik Murtono | Crowdsourcing, graphic design, Indonesia | This study focused at crowdsourcing in graphic design as internet phenomenon that bring designers and clients all around the world together in competition system. Designers offered designs, and the chosen designs would get rewards. Indonesia became one of the world’s biggest source at crowdsourcing in graphic design. The questions are: How was the existence of crowdsourcing graphic designers in Indonesia? Grounded theory method was used in the research with the consideration as an effective method for reviewing the perception, feeling, and attitude of an individual towards the matter. Research reveals the pros-cons that accompany the progress of the matter in Indonesia. It also revealed designers’ motivation that brings Indonesia become world’s biggest potential. Both aspects would describe their existence in Indonesia. Their existence is highlighted by their involvement and motivation. Designers acknowledge others’ role in guiding them. Their shortcoming was the lack of comprehension; therefore, occasionally they violated intellectual rights. The motivation in seeking, expanding network, upgrading skill, getting direct job, and raising assets, caused the growth of crowdsourcing in Indonesia. Result of the study gave opportunity to junior designers in building their portfolios, assisting financially, and as the alternative for conventional graphic design industry. Crowdsourcing also regarded as disadvantage because of the doubtful work quality since the system was opened for everyone. Research’s findings would benefit the education and graphic design industry as knowledge from non-formal sector with all the uniqueness. The main uniqueness was that they learn and work independently hence in the end would deliver graphic designs that oft do not submit to the formal principles. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1735.pdf |
Visual Design Using Elements of Walikan Malang Language | Zulfikar Sa’ban | visual phenomenon, walikan language, form development | Malang City, in addition to having a distinctive culinary meatball. Malang is also famous for its distinctive language, the language of the walikan Malang is well-developed and still preserved by the people of Malang. The application of walikan Malang language elements on the merchandise design is growing into a popular visual culture as a medium of communication. In the further development, today the language is widely used in various media information by government, business actors, and the general public. And there are also on print media and electronic social media. The focus of the study in this research is to observe the visual design using walikan Malang language elements, which today has become a popular visual culture, especially on the product design of t-shirts that are part of a typical merchandise from Malang city. This phenomenon is interesting for the study because there are visual designs that make use of local knowledge, and there is also a process of transition of art form, from the form of language (walikan language) to another art form (visual design). In a broader sense, the term may even include the conversion of various types of science into works of art. For that, the research problem proposed in this research are: (1) How to design visual by using local knowledge (language of walikan Malang); and (2) How is the concept of developing the form/formulation of intersection between visual design meanings with verbal language (walikan language) technically. The purpose of this research is to find out that visual design can be developed with local knowledge, in this case is walikan Malang language. The method that will be used in the study of visual design model by using walikan Malang language element is using qualitative paradigm by trying to build meaning about a phenomenon based on the views of the partici-pants. Identifying a culture-sharing community, then examining how the community develops different patterns at one time (ethnography). By observing the behavior of the participants by being directly involved in their activities. Data in this research are library data and field data with the collection procedure through observation, interview, and documentation. The results and objectives of this study are expected to provide benefits for producers of T-shirt in SMEs (Small Medium Enterprise) to develop its visual design using walikan language, and can provide input for the city of Malang that in deliv-ering the program/message to the public can be more optimal when using visual design with walikan language. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1736.pdf |
Designing Promotion Of New Ngelepen Tourism Destination Village | Agata Hepy Puspitasari | Village tour, New Ngelepen, promotion, media, event | New Ngelepen Tourism Village is a village that has unique characteristics in the form of home architecture. The village is also famous for its anti earthquake house. In addition to home architecture, New Ngelepen has a diverse tour package, ranging from fun games, home stay, tracking, birthday, package activities and art. New Ngelepen has been considered a tourist village since its first construction of the village as a housing complex of the earthquake disaster victims. The location is very strategic, seen from the position of New Ngelepen which is close to Ijo Temple, Prambanan Temple and other tourist attractions around Sleman. However, the authors found problems that need to be improved and developed, ranging from unstructured promotional activities, and the utilization of minimal promotional media. Therefore it is necessary to design creative strategies and visual media in order to promote New Ngelepen Tourism Village. The design method used is qualitative with observation, interview, literature study, and distributing questionnaires as data collection techniques. The main theories used in this design are promotion, advertising and Visual Communication Design. The results of this design in the form of creative strategies is obtained through the AISAS method. It is to produce the design of events and visual media that can attract the attention of target audiences to come to New Ngelepen Tourism Village. This designing of the creative promotion strategy of New Ngelepen Tourism Village is expected to help the Village Tourism New Ngelepen to increase visitors and attract the attention of the community, especially young people as a target audience. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1737.pdf |
Dolalak in Branding Activities of Purworejo Regency, Central Java | Agus Budi Setyawan | Dolalak, Branding, Purworejo | Dolalak dance art in Purworejo Regency as one of manifestation of traditional art, its presence is the continuity of cultural life that has rooted from generation to generation which becomes one of culture manifestation. Along with its development, Dolalak is used in activity of city branding conducted by local government of Purworejo Regency. However, the use of Dolalak in branding activities of Purworejo Regency has risks considering that Dolalak which is developing in some rural areas of Purworejo shows dance movements characteristic which tends to be erotic with the costumes worn by the dancers look tighter, this can certainly raise negative perception for some people who watch it. Started from that problem then the questions of this research are why Dolalak is chosen to support branding activities of Purworejo Regency and how the manifestation of Dolalak is in branding activities of Purworejo Regency. It is to understand how Dolalak’s position and role are in branding activities conducted by the local government of Pur-worejo Regency. This research used qualitative paradigm by using ethnographic approach, data collection was done through participant observation and in-depth interview, and data analysis was made by using matrix analysis model. The results of this study revealed that Dolalak as one of traditional arts that still exist and are popular in Purworejo society serves as art icon which was presented in the form of performances and was transformed into various visual communication media to meet the communication needs in branding activities of Purworejo Regency. The results of this study is useful to provide an overview for other regencies or cities that will conduct city branding by using their own traditional art. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1738.pdf |
Comparative Study of Environmental Friendly Concept on Fashion in Indonesia | Arini Arumsari | fashion industry, ethical fashion, eco-fashion, sustainable fashion, organic fashion | Rapid development of fashion industry in Indonesia provides good opportunities and potentials for fashion products in Indonesia, where at a closer look, it is also provides bad impacts towards the environment and commu-nity. The bad impacts come from the usage of non-eco-friendly materials, industrial waste that is not optimally processed, low quality product with short lifetime cycle, manpower issues, and so on. To cope with the bad effects, an eco-friendly fashion concept is created by using several terms such as: sustainable fashion; eco-fashion, ethical fashion or organic fashion. Those terms are gained from previous researches performed by the researcher herself and other references and researches. Result of the research shows that many terms are found to refer to a fashion development concept with environmental awareness. Therefore, based on the finding above and to optimize the implementation of fashion concept with environmental awareness on fashion industry in Indonesia, firstly, it needs meticulous and comprehensive identification and elaboration towards various terms of the said concept. To get comprehensive data for this research, qualitative method is performed through literature study, observation, and interview. It is expected that the final result will provide a proper direction to implement the fashion concept with en-vironmental awareness on fashion industry in Indonesia. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1739.pdf |
Designing Campaign of Blue Light Hazard for Teenager in Bandung | Azmil Ibrahim Aziz | Blue Light, Event, Eye Health, Gadgets, Social Campaigns, Teens. | Eyes is one of the most important part belonged to the human body. Eyes became one of the important organ because it can represent a figure. But many people forget to pay attention to the health of their eyes. Using gadgets without regard for the dangers that are present in every gadget, i.e. Blue Light. Using the gadget should be limited to maintain eye health. Qualitative methods then found a way to deliver the information on time use of the gadgets are safe is through the design of media campaigns to provide information about a safe time in using the gadget. The media can be an event, new media, website to notify secure in using the gadgets, and other supporters of the print media. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1740.pdf |
Moving Video Camera Base on Expression Dancer Move and Kinesphere | NRA Candra DA | Dance moves, cinematography, dance videos, and kinesphere | Video has become the medium of choice for documenting work of dancing performed in limited space and time. Nevertheless, there is something that most people still miss in creating the video work of a dance, that is the reduced dance expression that is expressed by the dancers. Visual dance in a video camera is just as a spectacular “spectator” that is translated by the eyes of a videographer. The video camera has not been positioned as a dancer and the purpose of the dance movement itself. The videographer has not looked at the dancer as a reference for the visualization of his video work. Though the dancer also has a conception and expression embodied in the movement of her dance. Through this research, the researcher is interested to reveal the expression of dance movement through the medium of art video, by trying to bring together the dance / choreographer’s conception of motion and visual conception of videographer. This artistic research uses an experimental research approach. The research procedure is carried out in two stages: Analysis and Development / Production. The analysis involves the identification and studying of the object of the research (dance movement) and the formulation of motion concept based on the motion of dance. The result of research show that the placement of a video camera (blocking video camera) should really be considered and used when in some parts of the dance movements, especially fast and quick movements, moving from one point to another. The selection of certain types of shots like Close Up, Medium Close Up and others are used when there are dance movements, especially those that use flexibility of hand motion, feet, and even the expression of the dancer’s face. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1741.pdf |
Users That Do Personalizing Activity Toward Their Belonging | Dandi Yunidar | Emotional design, Personalizing, Laptop | This research is based on the belief that “the Asian people prefer more colorful interfaces with images rather than plain interfaces” (Tzvetanova, 2007) [2]. The previous research conducted by Tzvetanova was about interface, the question is what if it’s a three dimensional form of daily use product? Will the same preferences and tendencies happen when it comes about daily use product such as laptop? There are evidences that people add stickers on their laptop, which brings up question like “what kind of users and what drives them do such activity toward their laptop?” To add/put stickers on the laptop makes it looks more literally colorful, and it also makes the laptop feels more personal. Using simple Psychographic method compared with Emotional design [1] approach, the authors made description about users who did put stickers on their laptop and dug out about what drives them did such activity. In turn this research will provides information and recommendation for the industries to be considered that there are some others crucial aspects regarding user preferences and user behavioral tendencies, rather than just technical aspect as they develop their products and mass-produce it, in order to be accepted by end users. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1742.pdf |
Representation of Power In A Smartphone : Semiotic Analysis of Smartphone Culture in Watch Dog Game | Daniel Kurniawan | Video Game, Watch Dogs, Semiotics | This is a research contains analysis and case study on visual communication design, especially in game design. Game has become a visual activity that gives meaningful experience for the player in relation to its narrative and culture. The research method of this research is using qualitative interpretative based on semiotic model which contains sign systems were divided into denotation or connotation. This signs produces meaning and post–modern hyperreality. The data were gathered by playing Watch Dog game and taking relevant screenshots which represents a meaningful review in a relation with the use of smartphone as a main weapon in the game. The elements of the game were interpreted by the researchers as an interpretation based on the social interaction which happens in our modern society. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1743.pdf |
Developing a Tabletop Game that Stimulates Creativity through Design Thinking and Design Ethnography | Dessy Aliandrina | creativity, empathy, design thinking, design ethnography, tabletop game, millennials | Science and technological advancement in the automation era called the 4th Industrial Revolution requires human to adapt in terms of skill set, particularly creativity, lest they are replaced by the machines. Creativity enables collaboration with the machine, providing opportunity rather than viewing it as a threat. As a country with demographical advantage in 2030, Indonesia’s creativity rate is counterintuitive to the fact, thus it has to be improved considering the rise of creativity demand from 10th top skill to the 3rd top skill in 2020. Therefore, this study aims to develop a tabletop game as a learning tool to stimulate creativity by using qualitative ethnographic approach based on Design Thinking and Design Ethnography. Semi-structured interviews with 32 youths aged 17-35 in Tangerang Regency and Tangerang Selatan City were conducted as data collection method. Merged with the ethnographic observation result and literature review, the researchers found out that their needs for a tabletop game are: “fast-paced”, “interesting in content and visual”, “ergonomics packaging and components”, “improved quality of material”, “fun”, “educative”, and “interactive”, as well as indirectly delivering moral messages in accordance to the missing values from the millennials. Through ideation, prototyping, and testing stages, tabletop game ideas were being generated, enhanced, and examined in order to meet the needs. The result is Animazzle, an animal characters puzzle-card game of which the features can address the issues. This study concludes that aligning with the process, empathy is the utmost importance of the process because it enables the problem to be properly defined and shapes an urge of continuous development to produce a sound solution. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1744.pdf |
Posyandu: Community’s Temporary Landscape of Healthcare Events | Diandra Pandu Saginatari | Posyandu, healthcare facility, temporality, landscape of events, design thinking | This paper proposes a discussion on the importance of design thinking phase in a healthcare facility design development. The research particularly tries to explore Posyandu as one of commonly known government-initiated healthcare program in Indonesia which aim is to provide healthcare services for babies, children and families. Posyandu is a unique phenomenon because it is a healthcare setting without fix fixtures like other type of healthcare facility. Centralise its existence towards community resourcing, Posyandu is usually held in certain community buildings in a timely manner; practicing a sense of temporality in its eventual existence. Aiming to have a better understanding towards Posyandu’s temporality, this research attempt to see Posyandu as a landscape of healthcare events within which healthcare activities, community, medical objects and supporting spatial elements are involved. The study results in a data which reveal what and how spatial elements involved in the events, thus informs us about the temporality of the space where the healthcare events occurred. Through landscape of events, we would then be able to see a temporal characteristic of Posyandu that is more dynamic rather than static. The overall image of the dynamic temporality of Posyandu’s space would then not only give us a representation of how the nature of temporary healthcare space is performed and celebrated but also useful for further design development. This research, including its hypothetical results, offers itself as a creative design approach and as a solid design consideration since the idea of landscape of events that is proposed in this research promises a thorough and fundamentally unique way of thinking. In a broader sense, the result of the study would also help us as architect and/or designer to reposition ourselves towards healthcare architecture that will be suitable for the community. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1745.pdf |
Benefits And Challenges Of Cloud Computing Technology Adoption In Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs) | Dwininta Widyastuti | SMEs; Adoption of technology; Cloud computing | In today’s digital era and globalization, many small and medium business (SME) businesses are adopting cloud computing for the company’s operations. Cloud computing is a growing data center technology in line with increas-ing traffic on the internet in the era of the Internet of Things (IoT). This technology overcomes the weaknesses of conven-tional servers for speed, scalability, and efficiency. However, there are still SMEs who are not sure of the benefits of cloud services. Therefore, this research is conducted to explore the opinions of SMEs about the benefits of cloud computing ser-vices in their business operations that encourage them to adopt this service. The qualitative research method is conducted by interviewing the top management of a number of SMEs engaged in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry. SMEs are domiciled in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia and have been using cloud computing platform services. The results found that the most perceived benefits of cloud computing are cost savings because it can reduce cap-ital expenditures, such as procurement of computers with high performance and purchase their own server by SMEs. On the other hand, the service enhances the company’s internal organizational processes to accelerate decision making, expand markets, and speed up communication with customers. However, the security aspect and the limited provision of infra-structure remain a challenge for the adoption of cloud computing in SMEs in Indonesia. The company’s effective strategy is considered to be able to minimize the negative impact of this challenge. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1746.pdf |
The Spirit to Conserve Wayang Kulit through E-Commerce | Emi Widiyanti | e-commerce, sungging wayang kulit, online shop | Electronic Commerce has been growing for over a decade. In addition to the support of technological advances, the community’s need for effective and efficient trade transactions is also contributing to the great number of emerging online stores. One of them is www.tatahsunggingkulit.com online shop that sells tatah sungging (leather carving) products especially wayang kulit (leather puppets). Through www.tatahsunggingkulit.com, the villagers of Sidowarno Klaten are trying to market their products to a more global level. This study aims to identify the adoption level of tatah sungging artisans in practicing e-commerce, as well as to explore the obstacles faced by the artisans in conserving wayang kulit through online stores. This research uses qualitative approach with interactive analysis model. The data used in this study are primary data obtained through interviews and direct observation. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1747.pdf |
Identity Shift On Traditional Clothes For Women Tuban, East Java, Indonesia | Fajar Ciptandi | Shift, Identity, Traditional Clothes, Tuban | Tuban, East Java, Indonesia has a long history. Since centuries ago, Tuban has playing a role as one of ancient trading ports between western and eastern world. It has been explained Sedyawati, et al (1992) that foreign people who came to Tuban were traders came from North India, South India, Sailan, Burma, Cambodia, and Campa. As an international port, Tuban has received many foreign cultures in addition to its local culture, such as culture that was brought by Tionghoa and Gujarat people. Therefore, Tuban’s development that involves international relationship also impacted to the manifestation of tradition and culture that appears in Tuban until now. One of the effects is on traditional cloth products. As has been expained Achjadi, et al (2010) that the cloth’s making and coloring processes performed by Tuban community has been running since a long time ago, around 1319 AD. In addition to be used as basic material for clothes, these cloths are also used to meet special needs such as: to show social status, group’s identity, ritual, and is also a part of their life philosophy. But nowadays, visualization and the use of Tuban’s cloth has shifted where it no longer follows traditional standard/rules, it instead is a free and dynamic creation upon economic motivation. This condition proves that possibilities of which tradition experiences transformation as the effect of cultural reception and assimilation towards foreign tradition/foreign culture emerge. Through qualitative methodology with cultural transformation and oral tradition approaches, this research focuses on the attempt on looking at the shifting process occurs to visual identity and comparison in terms of the use of cloth as traditional clothes of Tuban community back then and now. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1748.pdf |
Comparative Analysis on Jogging Jacket Product for Urban Society (Case Study : Society of Bandung City) | Iqbal Ghiffari | Jogging, Jacket, Items, Storage, Movements, Comforts | Jogging is one of the kind of sport that the urban societies loves in order to maintain their health. When doing jogging, urban people tend to need a variety of support items, these items are usually stored in a jacket pocket that they use when jogging. This way of storing creates discomfort while doing jogging, it is caused by the movement of items that stored inside the jacket pockets that they use when jogging, the items moving into opposite direction to the direction of body movement. To solve this discomfort problems, a research is done using descriptive qualitative research method which will be followed by data collecting technique through survey, field observation, interview and literature study, then data which have been obtained, will be analyzed using comparative method. The comparative method is implemented by comparing several jogging jacket products with different storing positions. Based on the results of the analysis, it is found that the characteristics of a jacket that appropriate for the urban society is a jacket that has a limited space of storage and the storage has to be place right next to the body so the movement of the goods will move into the same direction as the movement of the body, so the movement of the goods into the opposite direction with the body can be minimized. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1749.pdf |
Designing Of Healthy And Ideal Lunchbox Campaign For Children In Bandung City | Ghifari Dwiputra | Social Campaigns, Healthy Provision, Unhealthy Snacks | In the environment of children in elementary schools, closely related to learning activities, play and eat snacks. On the eats snacks activity, kids often buy snacks outside of the school that turns out, food they consume is far from assured of cleanliness and health, which could be bad for their health. Then, the author designing social campaigns that parents minimize spending activity and to provide healthy lunchbox from home. In this study, the author uses the three methods of collecting data, the direct observation of eating snacks activity operates in elementary schools, interviews with health service of Bandung and spread the questionnaire to the target audience. The author makes a social campaign with the theme “Healthy Lunchbox Generation” with the hope beneficial for parents in preparing a healthy lunchbox for their child. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1750.pdf |
Creation of Pamor’s Knives as Business Diversification and Increase Sales Value Product Blacksmiths in Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency | Mr. Karju | blacksmith, knife, pamor, design, and prototype. | This study focused on the application of pamor Wos Wutah, Ngulit Semangka, Mrutu Sewu, Tunggak Semi into the shape of a stab knife, slice knife and cutting knife.the research focuses directed at the manufacture of various kitchen knife, cutting knife, and blades especially the skewer with the following considerations: (a) the economic potential of business creation will be achieved. (b) various alternative designs cutting knife, and stab knife patterned motif and developing traditional motif. (c) Trial manufacture prototype design and dissemination elected made by the craftsmen blacksmith in the Polanharjo district, Klaten. This research is a qualitative research using action research approach. The results of field observation there are various products of craftsmen in the villages of Kranggan, Keprabon and Segaran such as; (1) Kinds of kitchen household appliance include; Kitchen knives, shreds, shovel, and frying spatula. (2) Carpentry tools include; axe, hammer, chisel, plancong, scissor, and trowel. (3) Agricultural tools include; sickle, hoes, rakes, and crowbar. Most kind of production that produced is a kind of kitchen knives. Alternative designs produces around 50 types of blade design patterned pamor. Then selected into 4 selected design namely; The design cut blade of Nguntu Walang, design slice knife of Ngulit Semangka, design blade of Mrutu Sewu, and design cut knife of Mrutu Sewu. Those four chosen design are then created works to serve as a prototype training materials to the craftsmen blacksmiths (pande besi) in Polanharjo district, Klaten regency. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1751.pdf |
Plywood Furniture Designs ( A Study on Shapes, Functions, Materials, Construction Techniques, and Production Processes) | IF. Bambang Sulistyono | designs, furniture, production process | Furniture is a facility or means for various human activities in certain spaces. Furniture design was born because of the need of function. Furniture designs are made according to its use, its users, and the time when as well as the space where it is used. The designer will also consider the materials to be used, and how to assemble and produce furniture. This study examines the designs of plywood furniture in terms of functions, materials, construction techniques and production processes. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the qualitative descriptive approach is applied. The steps taken are; 1) identifying various furniture products, 2) classifying and giving descriptions on each furniture product based on the analysis of shape, function, material, construction technique, aesthetics and production process. The findings of the field study show that the furniture designs used are designs that have been made before. The existing design is repeated, modified, developed, and tailored to fit the needs of consumers or buyers, and there are some designs that are made in particular because of its relation to the design of the interior. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1752.pdf |
People, Ideas, Culture in Shaping the Shared Value Society | Kenneth Wong See Huat | bottom up governance, social artistry, social enterprise, place making, cultural programming | In March 2017, the open call of artists in participate the LOCK UP locker art exhibition has been realized, whereby ten artists have created 24 artworks that can fit only into the compartment size of the two locker cabinets. This happened in collaboration with Harry Rogers Home furniture outlet and was touching on the issues of prisonary, corruption and LGBTQ in the closet. The success lead to the further prompt in curatorial work for the International Mother Earth Day: “Owls Know” Photography Exhibition and “Sea of Tears” group painting exhibition that gathered Singaporean, Malaysian, Philippino and Indonesian artists in pondering the issue of piracy and paperless children along Melacca Straits, South China Sea and Sulu Sea. To sum up, the survival of People Ideas Culture as social enterprise is based on the principal of “Shared Value, Shared Space” that allows the venue sponsorship to kick off most of the events, and using the art as tool to reach out the public who seems to be ignorant and apathetic via a subtle approach. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1753.pdf |
Kamasan Puppet Painting, Balinese Traditional Comics | I Dewa Alit Dwija Putra | kamasan, puppet, comic | The development of comics in Indonesia at this time so rapidly besides the interest and public interest especially among children and teenagers so big. The tendency of comic visuals in Indonesia is dominated by Japan and America. Many of them have not yet learned that comics in Indonesia have been started since the past as the tradition of making reliefs on temples, wayang beber paintings as well as in ancient texts such as the tradition of writing on palm leaves. The creation of tradition comics in Bali can be seen in works of art such as kamasan puppet paintings and manuskrif lontar prasi. Kamasan puppets paintings is a visual-speaking media of his era, which raises stories related to the philosophy and teachings of the Balinese view of life. As a medium of information the form of this tradition works to have common elements and aspects of modern comics. This research is to know the elements of traditional comic formation as media of information in its era. And the shift of symbol values in the form of the work of the tradition. This study uses qualitative methods and visual analysis with data collection and information techniques using observations, interviews both structured and unstructured and observe traditional objects. Then to confirm the field data is done by literature study either book or via the internet. As a form of artwork, the tradition of a great ancestral heritage needs to be preserved the values and local wisdom it has. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1754.pdf |
Designing Promotion Of Oat 8 To Reduce Obesity Risk For Woman Through Digital Media | Indah Rendi Puspitasari | Oat 8, Promotion, Snack, Obesity, Woman | Oat 8 is a biscuit made from Oat. Oat 8 has green beans and almonds variant. Oat 8 has encourage its promotion activities through digital media. From social media, to e-commerce. But, Oat 8 still needs more effort to increase its brand awareness, gain new customers, and reinforce its brand image as a healthy snack. Based on survey by the digital assessment of Oatbits product, Oat 8, that use references from number of fans in each social media, the participants of activation, and use key finding “which brand do you like” shows that the response of Oat 8 from the audience is lowest than its product benchmark. Snacking habit is a common thing to do on the sidelines of work time. Snacking is dominantly done by woman. It caused by emotional and hormonal factors. But their sedentary life, makes the extra calorie intake from food, especially snacks, they are not totally burned by body. In a long term, it will be deposited inside the body that cause the risk of obesity. Thus it needs to make a promotion strategy that linked by health phenomena which is concerns with the prevention of obesity risk with Oat 8 product. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1755.pdf |
Measuring Dimension of Brand Equity in Tour and Travel in Bandung, Indonesia | Iwan Sidharta | brand equity, brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association, brand image | This study aims to measure the attributes that form the dimension of brand equity. Dimensions include brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association and brand image. The research method used exploratory survey method. The object of research conducted on tour and travel companies in Bandung with a sample of 100 people. This study uses Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square for analyzing the data. The results show that these dimensions are part of the brand equity. Thus it is necessary for the tour and travel companies to pay attention to all these dimensions so that the company’s brand equity can be maintained and improved so as to increase customer loyalty. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1756.pdf |
Sustaining Malay Comic Design: Transformation From Paper To Digital | Julina Ismail Kamal | sustaining, comic, cartoon, Malay, comic character design, new media, 3D modeling, digital documentation | In Malaysia, cartoon and comic arts is a branch of art that reflects the identity and the culture of this nation. The golden age of local cartoon and comic arts that occurred between the late 1970s and early 1990s has prompted the emergence of range of genres, local cartoon and comic styles from diverse generations of comic artist. Some of the well-known figures from this field are Allahyarham Rejabhad, Ibrahim Md. Nor (Ujang), Jaafar Taib, Saadon Ishak (Don), Mahmud, Sabariah Jais (Cabai) etc. However, as most of the cartoon and comic series from around that year do not get printed, it leads to the existence of the comic’s artists as well as their works become virtually lesser known by several new generation of young people. The rapidity of information technology has strengthened the application of new media technology in dominating the communication of information among the society, particularly on the new generation. Hence, the exploitation of the new media technology such as internet, website, video and digital animation is seen to be able to help in introducing the art of Malaysia’s cartoon and comic arts globally. This research is conducted as an initiative towards the conservation of Malaysia’s cartoon and comic arts in order to ensure its sustainability through the transformation of these arts into digital documentation form. Early research has solely focused on the redesign of characters’ traits from several works of Gila-Gila Malay humor magazine cartoon and comic between the late 70s and early 90s that was conducted through the utilization of 3D remodeling digital application. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1757.pdf |
The “Sleborz Aesthetic” of Amenkcoy a.k.a Mufthi Priyanka | Lingga Agung | graphic, aesthetic, postmodernism | Mufti Priyanka a.k.a Amenkcoy is a graphic artist from Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Amenkcoy likes to capture the everyday life that for most people can be so trivial, trivial, unimportant, plebeian, crotch, even taboo. But precisely therein lies the expertise of Amenkcoy in the work, he always succeeded build or construct a paradoxical narrative of the everyday life of the masses of the most complex urban society. From his artwork, Amenkcoy is totally a contemporary artists. He always shows a variety of parodies, intertextuality, criticism of the establishment of ideology or culture, ironic, patische, and others. Contemporary aesthetics as mentioned above can be referred to as “aesthetics that anything goes” and that is exactly what Amenkcoy’s artwork. His artwork is consistent with the spirit of postmodernism, which is full of games and humorous jokes in response to phenomena or sociocultural issues, and so on. The jokes actually have various values if we see to his works solemnly. In his works, Amenkcoy seem to construct a satirical satire that criticizing this and that. With sentences of word that also satirical (Amenkcoy called it as a collage of words). This words are deliberately aligned with the image and that make his artwork more vulgar, more ferocious, more tragic, and more Silly. Therefore, Amenkcoy is a “sleborz artist” in the real sense. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1758.pdf |
Materialism and Consumerism Through Urban Social Lifestyle In The Context of Shopping Malls: Malaysian Perspective | Mohammad Khizal Saat | Lifestyle, Culture, Urban, Shopping Malls | This research is carried out to study the values and lifestyle and culture of the city dwellers through the principles of materialism and consumerism by giving more emphasize on the values of consumers as well as on the values which can be identified at the main shopping malls in Kuala Lumpur which in turn directly impacts the formation of social lifestyle at the city. A recent study places Malaysia at the fourth place whereby the people comes to shopping malls on a frequency of twice every week, roughly at the same level of the neighbouring countries like Singapore, Thailand, and Hong Kong, for the purpose of casual, entertainment, and leisure. Through the shopping malls, the social lifestyle culture expression of the current day could be identified and tracked. Basically, coming to the shopping malls for the purpose of shopping or recreation most often would create or stimulate a sense of taste which directly has created an identity and also at the same time has enhanced and developed a better way of living for the city dwellers. This research is carried out to identify and explain on how the culture of urban societies which is apparent in the environment of the shopping malls could directly impact the lifestyle of the city dwellers. Through the methods of field observations or observational research and descriptive analysis, this research it will look into how the shopping malls play its part in creating obsession, emotion, aspiration, as well as creating a system of belief within the community of city dwellers in the wake of developing a daily form of lifestyle. The function of shopping malls as the main contributor in the formation of a new perspective for the reinterpretation of an urban culture lifestyle, indirectly it helps in understanding in a broader term, the meaning of city community and it also to provide an overview of Malaysia shopping malls landscape and their social culture as a whole. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1759.pdf |
The effectiveness of marketing communication through digital content for startup business (Case Study: Brandish beverage product) | Made Devicca Surya | Startup Business, Digital Content, Marketing Communication | In today’s modern era, food and beverages business has grown in Indonesia. The newly established business is called startup business. The number of startup businesses is increasing economic competition in their respective industries. No wonder many new businesses have failed in a short time period. Therefore, a strategy is needed before establishing a business. It should be noted that the strategy used will be implemented to a new business, so it is important to give attention to the awareness of potential consumers with marketing communication strategy. This research will look at the strategy that has been done from startup business company, Brandish, through retail or offline strategy with a rapidly growing strategy today, namely digital content. This research will use qualitative methods. It is important for the startup business owner to know where his business will go. If they think about long-term, then the company must think about a strategy that is far ahead, not just a temporary advantage only. Therefore, this research will focus on long-term company. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1760.pdf |
Bayesian Estimation of Spatio-Temporal Models with Covariates Measured with Spatio-Temporally Correlated Errors: Evidence from Monte Carlo Simulation | Mohammad Masjkur | Spatio-temporal model, measurement error, Bayesian analysis | Spatio-temporal data are susceptible to covariates measured with errors. However, little is known about the empirical effects of measurement error on the asymptotic biases in regression coefficients and variance components when measurement error is ignored. The purpose of this paper is to analyze Bayesian inference of spatio-temporal models in the case of a spatio-temporally correlated covariate measured with error by way of Monte Carlo simulation. We consider spatio-temporal model with spatio-temporal correlation structure corresponds to the Leroux conditional autoregressive (CAR) and the first order autoregressive priors. We apply different spatio-temporal dependence parameter of response and covariate. We use the relative bias (RelBias) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) as valuation criteria. The simulation results show the Bayesian analysis considering measurement error show more accurate and efficient estimated regression coefficient and variance components compared with naïve analysis. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1761.pdf |
Development of a Bus Stop Design Guideline: Case Study on the Main Campus of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) | Mohamad Omar Bidin | Guideline, Bus Stop Design, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universal Design (UD). | Non-conducive bus stop designs can cause various problems to passengers, bus drivers and other vehicles on the road. A preliminary survey has revealed that specific guidelines have yet to be established as a reference for bus stop designs – to cater for consumer needs – especially in Malaysian university campuses. This study was conducted to initiate the set up of a guideline for a bus stop design in a university campus that meets users’ needs; such as to provide ease of access, adequate comfort and safety. This study was conducted via qualitative methods by using a case study approach in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). A total of 24 respondents from different groups were interviewed, while five bus stops were selected as sample studies. The findings show that there are currently various design problems which concerned a number of aspects; such accessibility, comfort, and safety. By referencing various design guidelines, as well as principles explained in the Universal Design Guidelines, a bus stop design proposal for use in university campuses was developed. The proposed guideline provides a general overview of the 13-component physical criteria of the bus stop which should be adhered to, in order to meet the needs of various users in the USM campus. This guideline may serve as a critical reference to designers, architects or developers in building better, user- oriented bus stops in the future. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1762.pdf |
The Phenomenon of Online Shopping in the Digital Age: Why Do People Like It? | Mohamad Suharto | Online shopping, e-commerce, web design | The purpose of this study is to explain what factors influence consumers like to shop online. The concept underlying this study is the phenomenon of online shopping as a behaviors transformation that occurred in Indonesia. Not only in Indonesia, online shopping has spread to many countries along with the development of e-commerce business. It can be concluded that some factors influencing most consumers to like shopping online are: the visual appeal of e-commerce web design, interactive website features, the ease of the website’s user interface, the corporate identity design, and the brand positioning of e-commerce companies. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1763.pdf |
Wisely Using Gadget for Parents in Family Environment Campaign Design | Hasna Budi Ariani | Gadget, Parents, Children, Family | A gadget is a device that functions primarily to ease human communication. However, nowadays there pretty many people that using gadget unwisely, they are too busy with their own gadget and tends to be neglected their en- vironment roughly. This behavior also occurs in the family environment, which caused some negative effects. One of which is causing increasingly difficult direct interaction between family members. Based on existing research, it required an un- derstanding for the parents in order to understand the negative impact of using gadget excessively. Therefore, it will rise their awareness to change their behavior, so they will understand and become wiser to choose the time when using gadget. This study uses qualitative methods by collecting data through observation, interview, questionnaire, and using the com- munication strategy design Facet Model of Effects afterwards. The consideration of creative strategy is packaged in a visual form that has focus on the child’s feeling when they parents uses gadget too much in front of them, as well as using various medias, among posters, video, and other supporting medias. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1764.pdf |
Aeng Visual Ornament of The Surakarta Palace’s Building | Rahmanu Widayat | Aèng, Ornamen, Surakarta Palace | Problems arise when building ornaments are considered to be not useful by architects and the modern world of architecture. Ornaments had been presented as important parts of the royal palace buildings from the time of Ancient Egypt until the Renaissance era. It is not so different from what happens in Indonesia; ornaments adorn temples, royal palaces, until the arrival of modern influences which make ornaments no longer appreciated and even hated. The modern concept (of the architecture world), in its development, has become less able to solve various problems, so that the presence of the local ethnic culture (like ornament) has been longed to come back. The ornament ends up paradoxically, standing between hate and longing. By using wangun point of view, an aesthetic concept taken from Javanese culture, an interesting finding shows that the ornament has its own dynamics, not merely as a heritage passed down from generation to generation. Ki Praja Sukemi, an architect of The Kasunanan Surakarta Palace, pioneered the creation of new style ornaments, combination between Javanese and Western (European) styles, and created the Aèng (peculiar) ornament, which is categorized as Kajiman (inspired from the world of Jinn) ornament. This paper will discuss the form, meaning, and aesthetics of these ornaments according to the cultural background of Surakarta Palace. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1765.pdf |
Semiotics in Advertising As A Way to Play Effective Communications | Sri Hesti Heriwati | Advertising, denotative, connotative, and semiotics | Advertising can be regarded as a marketing activity in addition to its function for the means of communicating. Advertising in principle is a product of mass culture and cultural products of industrial society characterized by mass production and consumption. That is, the mass is seen no more as a consumer user. Creating postal interaction as an individual communication activity by using strong signs can be done through advertisement serving. Presentation of communication messages by landing them on an object – in this case advertising or events that are attracting audiences – need to use media accuracy. However the media as a means of communication and a further effect as a self-expression. Any media used can be analyzed not only structurally, but semiotics approach can be used as a form of thorough analysis of the presence of an advertisement. Ad serving will make an interesting topic and impact on effective communication when there is a bandage between the signs that are interconnected. Ads displayed in a particular context on television and attributing ads to semiotics seem to be an interesting trending topic. Some ads display are often not merely product offerings, but embedded certain belief systems and values or cultures have self-esteem. Advertisement for producers is not only a promotional tool of goods or services, but also to offer an image to consumers and potential customers about the products offered. In the context of semiotics, the signs contained in ads display will be studied more deeply to obtain a thorough meaning of an ad display. This study will emphasize the semiotics theory approach supported by Roland Barthes. This writing focuses on the meaning process of the signs appeared in an ad display and is done by giving attention to the meaning of denotative and connotative. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1766.pdf |
Utilizing of Nylon Material as Personal Lugage Protector for Biker | Mr. Muchlis | product, protector, rain, scooter | This design begins from trend of using scooters has increased nowadays. This trend based on people whom are feeling uneasy using public transportation. Furthermore, the whole process to get a scooter is a lot easier. There are many kinds of profession that utilize scooters, from student to office workers. From a variety of different profession there is one similarity most of them bring bag for school or office tools. The problem is there are still no products that can be used as protector for bags from the unpredictable weather nowadays, especially when rain fall. The use of qualitative methods expected to give information about what kind of product that could help bikers to protect their liggage from rain. This design is expected will be a good input for producer about what kind of product that bikers really need to protect their luggage from rain. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1767.pdf |
Design of Visual Communication Media as Learning Hadith Since Early Age | Nadhilla Sabrina | book, education, hadith, illustration | Hadith is a knowledge about what Rasulullah SAW speaks, behave and determination. Rasulullah SAW is a perfect role model for all moslem and a main character builder. The important things to learn about hadith for preserve it are to build the islamic character especially for children as Rasulullah SAW did. Children is the next ruler in the future, good or bad the children’s behaviour will impact to the future. The condition of Indonesia is really worrying now. Many people ignore the character building for the children. which known as akhlaq in Islam. Approximately 87% of Indonesian civilization are muslim but not all of them really care about it and applied it as Rasulullah did. So, it needed a media education which can gain the children’s interest to learn about hadith with parent’s help. The qualitative methods is used in this research with observation, interview and literature study. The media education for the children to learn hadith is illustration book. This book will presented with suitable design for children in preschool to make the study pro cess is fun and gain the children’s interest. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1768.pdf |
Defining Radicals: Comparison Between Language Style Used in Social Media Between Government-Approved and Radical Moslem Group | Rian Hardinata | Data Mining, Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis | Lately, there is a rise on Muslim radical groups topic in Indonesia. Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) is one of a group deemed as the militant group that endangers Indonesia’s unity according to the official statement by Wiranto, Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, on behalf of Indonesian government position towards the HTI status. Albeit their radical nature, their lives are quite modern in the opposite. It is proven by the usage of social media like Twitter and Facebook as their means of communication. Twitter is one of the most efficient methods of communication to this religious group followers, as well as other Islamic religious groups such as MUI and NU. This research is intended to find the differences of content regarding language style used by HTI and those government approved Muslim groups in Indonesia (MUI and NU). The tweets were extracted, then compared based on commonly used words and phrases. The purpose of this approach is to know the difference between government-approved religious groups’ tweets and the tweets of the so-called radical group by the government. It has found that there are some differences in language style used by each Muslim group which could be used to detect similar militant groups in the future. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1769.pdf |
Courtyard Placement for Maintaining Air Movement of Natural Ventilation inside a Transformed House | Silfia Mona Aryani | Courtyard, simulation experiment, thermal comfort, wind velocity | A courtyard has effectively induced fresh air into the interior of the house and hence is recommended for inclusion in an additional-room program in a house transformation initiative. However, because of the limited space and the vast choice of room programs that need to be considered in the transformation, it is necessary to formulate the right position of the courtyard. This article sets out the results of research that observed the most effective position of the courtyard. The research was conducted through Ansys 14.5 simulation. The 81 m2 house was simulated as an open lay-out design without any interior partitions. The open layout based simulation is aimed to make the visualization of wind circulation clearly seen. The 9 m2 courtyard is tested in 9 different positions. Based on the simulation, it can be concluded that there are 5 courtyard positions that give positive results for wind velocity, thereby promoting air circulation throughout the entire house area. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1770.pdf |
Exploration of Golden Section Proportion Potency in Mosque | Tri Wahyu Handayani | visual language, golden section, proportion, mosque | Various mosque designs appear in Indonesia, with various shapes, with or without domes. Until now the visualization of mosque formation that mosque has domes still accepted in general. Architectural forms are part of the visual language that is bound by the rules of geometry and proportion. Historically, the proportion of the Golden Section is a mathematical comparison applied to the design process. While in design, architects often involve a sense, whether the building design has been proportional or not. The research question, whether the sense of a proportional form can be measured mathematically? The results show that Golden Section elements exist in some parts of the mosque. The research explores the design of 3 mosques, At Tin Mosque in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Dian Al Mahri Mosque in Depok, and Trans Studio’s Grand Mosque in Bandung, private built mosques, with geometric analysis methods and visual observations. The research benefits to explore the golden section are to control the building composition. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1771.pdf |
Seeing Jokowi, The President of Indonesia’s Leadership: Case Study of Goldhaber’s The Charisma Factor in Leadership Theory | Suci Marini Novianty | Leadership, Jokowi, Goldhaber, Charisma, Anti-hero | As the seventh and current President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo or Jokowi, has changed the face of Indonesian style of leadership. The image of modesty that Jokowi implies are seen by his choice of attires and daily activities. The president is famous for his modest attires in mostly any ocassions. He usually dressed in white shirt and black trousers, his appreance does its own magic. Therefore, although he is different from his predecessors in term of way of work and mighty images, his modest charm endorses his own image and charisma to public’s eyes. According to Goldhaber, charisma is playing an important role for a leader. People need to see them in a different way for him to earn certain respect. He objected Weber’s thesis regarding charisma only as something heroic. Therefore, he put another two types of the charisma factor in leadership, which are anti-hero and mystic. The method used in this research case study of in Jokowi’s interactions with public, this research is sought to see his leadership according to Goldhaber’s theory. As the result, Jokowi is seen as ‘anti-hero’ leader. As they dress the same with us also having the same value and attitude as what we believe. Anti-hero type is when the leader is or feels close as our own father. Jokowi, based on the thesis has that image portrayed in Goldhaber’s explaination. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1772.pdf |
Visual Identity and Packaging of Dairy Products From Small and Medium Enterprises | Mohamad Tohir | Visual Identity, Yoghurt, Small Medium Entreprises | Small and medium enterprises are one of the most significant and dominant drivers of the economy as producers of gross domestic product, in addition to absorbing the largest employment in some areas. Processed milk products of small and medium enterprises in Jatinangor as healthy drinks have a good chance to be marketed into prestigious beverages. The problem is the small to medium-sized businesses don’t realize the importance of identity for a product, naming with a rather difficult pronunciation and difficult to remember, a less attractive logo makes this product less competitive with large-scale factory products. Through field observation, literature study, and interviews both to producers and to consumers are obtained the necessary data as the basis for the design identity of small and medium business brand of dairy products. Brand identity and its application to packaging design can make dairy products easily recognized by the public. This study aims to assist small and medium enterprises; especially processed milk maker in Jatinangor, Sumedang district, through product identity design marketing problems of small and medium business products can be helped. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1773.pdf |
The Role of Visual Aids in Corporate Annual Reports in Drawing Wider Audience Internally | Mochammad Surjo Koentjoro | Annual Reports, Visual Aids, Organizational Communication | As obligations go, the designing, writing and creating process of Corporate Annual Reports has always been viewed as something that is burdensome and exciting. It describes what the company has achieved during the last year, and the people creating it is under pressure to get all the details right. All the important and relevant information about the company need to be in the report and all must be presented correctly. The result is a book that is complete, comprehensive, but often very detailed and tedious to read. While that is the objective of the creating of the Corporate Annual Report, only few of the members of the organization are interested in reading it, thereby missing out on many important information,. This is despite Annual Reports were designed, created, and presented in a way that is as visually engaging as possible. The researcher’s aim, using Observations and Literature Review was to investigate the role of Visual Aids in Corporate Annual Reports in drawing a wider internal audience. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1774.pdf |
Employee’s Trust and Work Commitment With Management Using Internal Social Media Application, TAP Playground, in PT. Cakrawala Andalas Televisi (ANTV) | Putri Ayu Ningtyas | the interaction of technology and society, business, public opinion | One indication of the success of a company’s communication is how the company can build internal commu-nication so that there is trust in the employee to the company where they work. Current internal communication becomes the basis for an organization in developing and moving towards the desired destination. The main point is how the organi-zation management manages internal communication well. Internal communication must be two-way with the involvement of management and employees. Recent technological developments increasingly lead to complexity in building internal communications. The ease of communicating in cyberspace with social media intermediaries so as to make social media as a discussion and exchange ideas in the forums provided in social media can be a reason for the importance of having an internal social media in a company. PT. Cakrawala Andalas Televisi (ANTV) sees the phenomenon of this rampant social media as a positive thing to build employee confidence to the company by doing collaboration application named TAP Playground. This paper provides insight into how internal social media can help build constructive trusts of observations and literature related to internal communication and social media. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1775.pdf |
The Reposition of Tradition-Batik in The Culture-Mercantilism | Mr. Sarwono | Mercantilism, Tradition, Culture, Batik Art. | The globalization in the fields of economics, information and culture has driven the culture of tradition batik to post itself into a new situation. The method used in this research is the case study. Mercantilism is the result (effect) of the globalization era, because it causes to happening an interaction among several elements. The position of the tradition culture, which is still strong, will exploit an interaction to maintain its identity, but the weak tradition culture will tend to follow the current, the orthogonal transformation even breaks down in the globalization era. The concept that must be done soon in the art of tradition batik is to make a cultural reposition | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1776.pdf |
City Mascot as A Supporting Force in City Imaging | Paku Kusuma | Conceptual mascot, city mascot, city image | The discourse about mascot in Indonesia nowadays starts emerging on the discussion among visual communication designer community as well as creative industry practicioners. Moreover since its existence is not only applied on sport event, but also expands to various field, whether as business promotion, imaging efforts, to campaign forms. One of the interesting discourses is that for the first time mascot is inaugurated by city government as a part of identity of a city in Indonesia, namely Malang, in an effort to promote the city’s tourism and as a differentiate feature with other cities. This adaptation refers to the cities in Japan which had previously use the power of mascot as a supporting power in developing its potential, like Perfecture Kumamoto with its mascot, Kumamon. Then how does mascot become the ambassador of a city’s image related with culture, resources, as well as infrastructure facility of a city? The goal of this research is to give sufficient understanding about city mascot existence while showing its importance for visual communication desainers and creative industry practitioners in creating a work. While the approach used in this research is through social research, considering how close the topic discussed with local tradition and culture. The approach was chosen to find mascot’s positioning in its relation with city image potential, thus the benefit of its use for local government can be seen. The study was done in Malang, Surabaya, and Kumamoto Perfecture through deep direct observation, interview, as well as literature research. The benefit of learning the process of this research result is hoped to be used as a reference and model in the application of mascot contest and other intellectual property in the future. Also to strengthen the base in mascot creation which indeed should be able to accomodate what it represents. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1777.pdf |
Comparative Analysis on Shoelace Tools Type Magnetic Sholeace and Silicone Shoelace (Case Study: Urban Societies In Early Adult Stages Of Development) (Case Study: Urban Societies In Early Adult Stages Of Development) |
Hammam Faqieh Azzuhdy | Analysis, tools, Shoelaces, Facilitate | The type of strappy/lace-up shoes have a quite large market range up to nowadays. Along with its high mobility as well as supported by the convenience that it is offered to users, sometimes users enforce or modify the usefulness of shoes itself. Usually this occurs frequently on users within the age of 18-25 years old, or usually called an early adulthood phase. Mostly unaware, if it is done repeatedly, it can cause trauma to the foot, even to waist and shoulders. Some of the innova-tions that are already on the market, such as magnetic shoelace and silicone shoelace still lacks of its endurance and strength. The purpose of this analysis to the both of those types of tools is to provide a standard in designing tools in which can simplify the process of wearing strappy/lace-up shoes becomes faster with not forgetting the fitting shoes to the foot itself. The analysis is done using quantitative methods in order to find out the problem in greater depth. On the other hand, this research is analyzed by using comparative method against both types of tools products in order that the result of the products can achieve the function that users has expected. The final outcome of this analysis is to produce a guide or term-of-references in designing tools products that can be applied on sholace, which can simplify the process of using a strappy/lace-up shoes. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1778.pdf |
Designing Social Campaign Healthy Life Style for HIV/AIDS Prevention Through Muaythai | Fildzah Shabrina Firdaus | Social Campaign, HIV/AIDS, Living Healthy, Prevention, Divert | The number of those who suffer HIV/AIDS in Indonesia especially in Bandung is gradually increasing each year. This was caused by lack of awareness about HIV/AIDS causes, so they are still doing risky things. Teenagers and early adulthood are very worrying, because the most number of those who suffer HIV/AIDS is 20-29 years. Their dreams could be hampered because what they have done. With qualitative method of research, and communication strategy AISAS, it have came to the result that the way to deliver the information and education about HIV/AIDS along with the prevention is by designing a social campaign through living healthy, aims to divert their bad activities. The medias could be formed in such a chain of events like public event, video, print-ad, and some of the other proponent medias. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1779.pdf |
Females Body Representation, Movement, and Perspective: The Fragile Longevity of Feminism in Indonesia | Charissa Adria Rizanti | Female, Body, Representation, Taboo, Paradox, Indonesia | The emancipation of women and gender equality movement was the turn points for the rights possessed by women today. However, people in Indonesia in particular still has the presumption that tends to the paradox of the female body. The female body is still a taboo to talk about by society. Many are judging the female body as a beauty and yet they also have to always cover their body up. This is perceived as inconsistent with information and foreign cultural influences, especially western culture that dominate the electronic media. Coupled with feminism ideology, these paradoxes raise the questions of where is the position of the female body in the society, especially Indonesia. | https://bva.telkomuniversity.ac.id/BCM2017/BCM-1780.pdf |
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